Click on "Sermons" button above for YouTube recordings of services.
Click here for live services on Sundays:
https://zoom.us/j/95083518570 (you need to get Passcode from Pastors or Secretary)
In-person worship has resumed with special procedures due to COVID risks. You can also watch our services live on your computer or smartphone, or listen to them on your phone, using Zoom. NOTE THEY ARE AT 10:30 AM!
https://zoom.us/j/95083518570 (you need to get Passcode from Pastors or Secretary)
Read instructions on the "Watch 10:30 AM Service Live" page under "More" at upper right on this webpage. The instructions include using your phone to listen to the live sermons using one of Zoom's phone numbers.
Our Mission is to act as God’s heart, hands and voice in our community, and as agents of reconciliation as we seek to live out our commitment to Jesus’ vision of God’s ever-expanding covenant for God’s kingdom.
Our Vision is to be a nurturing and welcoming spiritual home where:
- We live our faith by wrestling with questions, not defending answers
- We embody God’s inclusive love and compassion
- We promote the love and justice of Jesus Christ and the responsible stewardship of God’s creation
Living Out the Vision: Practically speaking, our members are encouraged to carry out actions consistent with Jesus’ teachings. We strive to live them out through ministries integral to the life of the church with outreach to the community.
What Does This Mean?
Our Emphasis is on partnership with Jesus Christ, and our challenge as followers of Jesus is to live our lives Christ’s way—believing in what Christ believed in, loving all whom Christ loved, opposing what Christ opposed. This leads us to declare our emphasis on:
Inquiring – As members of the local and global community, we believe it is our responsibility to understand the complexity of the issues that shape our world today. It is through this understanding that we can best serve those organizations and communities in need.
Inclusiveness – We see in the gospels a Jesus who was radically inclusive of society’s outcasts. We believe that every person belongs to God and that every person is God’s creation and, therefore, sacred.
Community Caring – The result of this emphasis is reflected in the fact that, although we are not the largest Presbyterian Church in terms of membership, we are actively involved in our community such as providing a weekly free Saturday Community Breakfast; helping host free Tuesday night Read & Feed Dinners; hosting community events such as Weight Watchers and American Red Cross; supporting our local Food Share and South Lincoln Resources; supporting the broader national and global PCUSA mission emphases and helping support and developing a relationship with a missionary family in Cambodia.
Congregational Caring – We provide a meaningful worship experience, with a church service, visitation, cards, and food & fellowship for members and friends.
We are a welcoming congregation where we encourage others to connect to God, self, each other, and the world.
Please consider donating to our church by clicking on this "Give Now" button: