What to Expect at Church

We are a small, coastal congregation -- which means "coastal casual" is appropriate attire!  Come as you are!

Sunday morning Worship is at 10:30am

We are a liturgical church (which means the congregation participates in the Call to Worship, Confession, and Prayers of the People).

We love children and engage them in the worship service by participating in pouring water in the font, lighting the Christ Candle, Passing the Peace, and joining Pastor Wendy or Mark on the Chancel steps for the "Time for Young Disciples". 

Lay people participate in the service by leading the reading of prayers, serving communion, and ushering. 

Bibles are provided in the pews. 

The music includes praise as well as traditional hymns. 

A children's church is provided and children may feel free to attend after the Passing of the Peace, or they may remain in the service with either family or friends.  Books, puzzles, and quiet work is available and may be brought into the sanctuary.

Questions?  Please feel free to contact us!