
Co-Pastor Wendy Olson
Wendy and Mark Olson share the Pastorship by alternating Pastoring every other week. Wendy works with the Stewardship, Finance and Outreach Committees. Wendy and Mark both work with the Worship Committee. They share that pastoring with us and the Lincoln City Presbyterian Church where they each work half time. They last pastored three churches in Indiana where they formed a parish. They held worship and study times with the Clinton, Rockville and Montezuma churches, sister churches of the Trinity Parish.

Co-Pastor Mark Olson
Mark and Wendy Olson share the Pastorship by alternating Pastoring every other week. Mark works with the Christian Education and Buildings and Grounds Committees. Mark and Wendy both work with the Worship Committee. They share that pastoring with us and the Lincoln City Presbyterian Church where they each work half time. They last pastored three churches in Indiana where they formed a parish. They held worship and study times with the Clinton, Rockville and Montezuma churches, sister churches of the Trinity Parish.

Barbara Hare - Office Administrator
Barbara Hare came to us from Chico, California. She is married to Charlie Hare. She is a wonderful addition to our church family and says that she enjoys coming to work each day. We are so glad that she and Charlie decided to "retire" in Waldport and that Barbara is willing to share her gift of organizaiton with us.

Denise McPherson - Treasurer
Denise McPherson is our Treasurer and voice of reason on Capital Campaign, budget and day-to-day expenses. Denise and her husband Barry are long-time residents of Oregon and have served in the Presbyterian church for many years. Denise also shares the gift of taking candid pictures that capture the major milestones in the life of the congregation. Denise is serving as an elected delegate of the Cascades Presbytery to the 222nd General Assembly which met in June 2016! Quite an honor for a small rural congregation to be so well represented. Her term as delegate expires in the spring of 2018.

Robby Hensen - Custodian
Robby Hensen is our custodian. He first came to our attention at Saturday breakfast. He soon joined us in worship, and his daughter, Ruby Rose, was baptized on June 1, 2016. Robby has several years experience as a Motel / Hotel Manager. He is a marvelous addition to our staff.